Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Why You Can't Quote the Old Testament to Condemn Homosexuality

So as I've gotten further and deeper into my study I've learned the following:

1. God loves everyone. His love is unconditional and it doesn't just apply to the religious. My favorite example of God's teaching of unconditional love is the story of Hosea.

2. Religion will not save you - in fact a person who professes faith in God and asks for salvation, but does not follow a specific religion before they die, will enter heaven. Christ's death on the cross insured this. This is in Romans.

3. When Jesus died on the cross, he saved us from sin and death, and from the code of the old law. He established a new covenant. To quote a fellow blogger, "My response to the passages in Leviticus (The Old Testament) is more like the solution to the Gordian Knot, which was a large, hopelessly tangled knot, impossible to unravel. Alexander the Great solved the knot, not by disentangling it, but by cutting it in two with his sword.
Declaring the cancellation of the Law (from Romans and Galatians) is not only the truth that Paul taught, it also prevents us from getting bogged down in endless discussions of word meanings, culture, etc." Ron Goetz

# 3 is the main reason why it is insignificant and meaningless to quote OT Law to condemn homosexuality. Instead of picking and choosing which parts of the law would stay and go, Jesus just cancelled it completely and replaced it with his new covenant. (This is covered in great depth in Romans, as well as Galatians.)

While these verses can also be approached linguistically - there are issues with the translation, I'll use Leviticus for an example, but this is also pointless because Christ's death made OT Law obsolete: "First, this passage condemns gay ritual sex in a Pagan temple, but the misinterpretation is stating simply that “a man should not lie with another woman” when a more accurate translation of the original text is “males having sex in a woman’s bed.” Also “abomination” or “enormous sin” is also a poor translation of the Hebrew word, which actually means ”ritually unclean” or "taboo.""

If we're going to use the Old Law Code to support anti-homosexual points, then by deliberately applying the OT law to our lives (or in this case, the lives of other's, which is also against scripture) and placing ourselves back under it's control, it is said to be "falling from grace." In spite of this, there have always been those who insist that the Mosaic Law, at least the Ten Commandments, are still in force for the Christian. To clarify - the Ten Commandments are still in force, because Jesus repeats each one of them within the New Testament, making them a part of the new covenant. But the old Mosaic Law has been cancelled out by Christ's death and resurrection. He updates us with a new covenant, or "law", regarding our duties towards God, other human beings, and ourselves.

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